About Us

Mission: We are an alliance of farmers and eaters. Our mission is to find, connect, train and amplify the leadership of farmers and eaters who use their choices and their voices to shape a more just and regenerative local food and farm system. Our statewide community unites to educate policymakers and form a powerful voice that has a seat at every table where decisions are made.

Vision: An Illinois where farmers earn a living responsibly stewarding the land and feeding our communities; people can easily and affordably find and buy local food that aligns with their values; and we all enjoy vibrant, resilient, and healthy communities.


1. We believe in the right to healthy, wholesome food for all.

2. We are responsible to steward our natural resources in a way that future generations will benefit and not suffer from our actions. In a time of climate change we must practice agriculture in ways that regenerate soil and protect our air and water.

3. We believe people, local communities, and the planet are more important than profit. When power is concentrated in the hands of too few, the health and well being of people, community and land is put at risk.

4. We believe we must address the legacy of harm to people of color in order to achieve a healthy and just food system.

5. We buy local food as much as we can but we understand that buying local or sustainable food is not always possible nor is it enough. We must use our voices in smart and strategic ways and train ourselves in making change.

6. We operate as a transparent organization and demand transparency in both our food system and in our government.

7. We believe cooperation is the key to success. We commit to prioritize and invest in building trusting relationships with, and fostering a community among farmers and allies who want to build just, regenerative food and farm systems.

8. We create an environment in which everyone’s voice is heard and feels valued, respected, and inspired.

9. We value truth, will listen carefully, challenge assumptions, base our positions on facts and support sensible solutions.

10. We believe in the power of good food, music, art, culture and storytelling to bring us together, understand each other and build community.

Illinois Stewardship Alliance (ISA) is a membership-based organization. If you are local food producer, concerned citizen or food-systems related organization, we invite you to join us! Alliance members span the state and have one thing in common: they all care about the food that is produced and consumed in Illinois and want to support the increase of fresh, local foods. Click here to find out how you can become part of the Alliance.

Donor Policy: Illinois Stewardship Alliance receives grant funding and donations from entities that have a mission that aligns with our basic tenets (see above) Here’s the list of our current funders:  

  • Clif Bar Family Foundation
  • Farm Aid
  • Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation
  • Lumpkin Family Foundation
  • McKnight Foundation
  • New Vision Foundation
  • United States Department of Agriculture/Illinois Department of Agriculture
  • Walton Family Foundation
  • J.R. Albert Foundation