Are you a farmer or rancher that’s passionate about raising livestock? Are you looking to connect with others that share your passion? If you answered yes, then the Livestock Farmer’s Caucus is right for you!
The Livestock Farmers Caucus brings together Alliance members who are passionate about selling local meat, eggs, dairy, animal fiber, and eggs. They are passionate about humane practices and improving the viability and profitability of small farms. The Livestock Farmer Caucus aims to build a supportive community, organize together, and grow the movement for livestock production in Illinois.
What is a caucus?
The word “caucus” has Native American origins as the Algonquian word for “counsel.” We would like to think of the Livestock Farmers Caucus as being counselors and advisers, not just to the Alliance, but to each other, because farmers and ranchers know what it takes to raise animals and ensure farm profitability for years to come.
Why should I join the caucus?
For too long decisions have been made without farmers at the table. This caucus changes that. When we work as one collective, farmer-led voice, together we can change mindsets and create a stronger soil health movement. You can count on the Alliance Livestock Farmers Caucus for opportunities to:
- Meet and network with other like-minded farmers who share your passion,
- Shape a livestock policy agenda + take action on legislation that matters to you
- Sharpen your skills as a leader of animal agriculture and,
- Get the latest insider intel on programs and policies that impact you as a livestock producer.
We look to the livestock farmers caucus to weigh in on our advocacy agenda to promote humane, environmentally friendly livestock production. To increase market opportunities for sales of local meat, dairy, eggs, and animal fibers, solve barriers in access to processing, and educate decision-makers on issues that impact farmers.
How we work:
- Help determine where the Alliance should focus our efforts in the coming year by taking the Priority Setting Survey in November
- Join Farmers and Eaters to vote on the Alliance Policy Agenda at the Alliance Annual Meeting in December
- Work with Alliance staff to introduce legislation
- Join a Campaign Team to help create a campaign plan for the legislation you care about most
- Work with Alliance staff to share your stories and build support for issues through news articles, op-eds, media interviews, speaking events and more.
- Organize lobbying and advocacy trips to the Capitol as needed
- Take action on the legislation you care about
- Attend the Spring Caucus Meeting in June to network, celebrate victories, and discuss remaining and new issues. This is the time to bring up new issues to explore during the summer!
How do I join the Livestock Farmer Caucus?
In order to join the Livestock Farmer Caucus, you must become a dues-paying member of the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and then complete the membership form for the caucus. You can do both of those things by clicking the buttons below.
Have more questions?
Contact Livestock Caucus Organizer, Ed Dubrick, at [email protected]