Illinois food system leaders unite in the new Food System Leader Caucus!

If you’re passionate about making change in our state’s food system but aren’t a farmer yourself, this caucus is the right place for you to make your voice heard!

What is a caucus?

The word “caucus” has Native American origins as the Algonquian word for “counsel.” The members of the Food System Leader Caucus will serve as counselors and advisers to each other and to the Alliance, because food system leaders like you know the promise and the shortcomings of the Illinois food system and can raise your voices to guide us to a better future for our farms and food.

Why should I join the caucus?

As a food system leader, you’re passionate about supporting your local farmers and food businesses and making sure your community has reliable access to fresh, local, nutritious food. When people like you band together in one collective voice, lawmakers listen. Our work with our existing Soil Health and Local Food Farmer Caucuses have proven this by successfully campaigning for a number of state-level policy changes and additions over the past five years.

You can count on the Alliance’s Food System Leader Caucus for opportunities to:

  • Meet and network with other food system leaders across the state
  • Shape a policy agenda that bolsters the Illinois food system
  • Sharpen your skills as a leader of the local food movement
  • Get the latest insider intel on programs and policies that impact our state’s food system

How does the caucus work?

The Food System Leader Caucus will be ready to launch when at least 80 members of the Alliance have committed to joining it. Once launched, caucus members will elect co-chairs who will work with Alliance staff to plan meetings and other caucus activities and serve as public faces of the caucus.

The caucus will typically meet at least four times per year, including the Alliance’s annual meeting for all members, to discuss and decide on policy priorities and form campaign teams. These meetings will also serve to foster relationships and camaraderie among members.

Campaign teams are smaller groups of Alliance members and invited ally organizations that are built around specific policies that the caucus has decided to prioritize. Members self-select onto these teams and meet separately to strategize and advocate for policies.

How do I join the Food System Leader Caucus?

In order to join the Food System Leader Caucus, you must become a dues-paying member of the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and then complete the membership form for the caucus. You can do both of those things by clicking this link.

Have more questions?
Contact our local food organizer, Jeff Hake, at