Our second annual farm-to-fork feast will bring together farmers, eaters and food system leaders from northern Illinois for an evening of fellowship and the finest local food sourced from nearby farms.

Join us for an evening of local food, fellowship and celebration as we honor our first 50 years and make a toast to this next chapter.

Tickets are on sale now

Proceeds raised support our work to bring farmers and eaters together to build a more just, local and regenerative food and farm system.

Volunteers work their magic to pull off this event. You can sign up to join our Host Committee by contacting Melissa at the email address below.

Sponsors help bring farmers and eaters together at the Farm to Fork Feast, and everyday, with their support for the Alliance. If you are interested in sponsoring the Farm to Fork Feast (or know someone who might), please send Melissa a message below.

Questions? Contact Melissa Frueh, melissa@ilstewards.org 

Thanks to Our Sponsors!